Would be a better game if there were a story(like saving the girl from marring angry admiral ;) ).
I have finished it in 3 hours (got the most powereful ship with full upgrades).
Trick/tipp: you use hit and run tactic. As soon as you see that the enemy turns to fire, you turn, continue turning fire, continue turning, get away. Even if the enemy manages to fire, you will be already far away from his guns.
You finish 2 areas, get the third ship in a store (3d from the left, you dont need too buy the other two). Then upgrade it too the fullest.
Now you can easily go to 8th area and get the most powereful ship unlocked.
There are 3 waves of ships. Try to spare and help 2 you other ships. E.g. during the first wave try to be the closest to the enemy, they shoot at you but not at your other ships.
By now you should be able to play well. (i used touch navigation, you can change it in settings).
One more trick. You come as close as possible to the ship and "sit" on its tail. So that you are 90 degrees to it. It turns in circle, so do you. Still support 90 degrees. You can shoot, the enemy does not shoot (maybe its a bug and will be corrected in other version).
One more thing: if you want to get the money fast, go to the 8 tharea and stay close to you ships. If they get drown or rhe enemy you can quickly pick the goods up. You will be able to get around 300 gold per each game very quickly.
Lets see you on the see. How good can you navigate? Good luck ;)
UraharaK about WarShip